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Assuming jerusalem is required, the following 2 results were found.

  1. Shavuot (Pentecost)

    (Bikkurim 3:1-8) vividly describes a pilgrimage of Israelites bringing their First Fruits to the Temple. They converged on Jerusalem from all over the land of Israel. It is a time of thanksgiving for the first fruits of the year's harvest. For the...

    • Type: Article
    • Author: Articles (Blog)
    • Category: Articles
  2. High Holidays 2025/ 5786

    days each year. It is one of the three biblically mandated festivals on which Jews were commanded to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in Temple days. Service for the first day of Sukkot will be held at Sar Shalom on Day 1 Tuesday morning, October 7th at...

    • Type: Article
    • Author: Kehilat Sar Shalom
    • Category: Worship
Results 1 - 2 of 2


We are a Messianic Congregation affiliated with the IAMCS. We are proud members of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America MJAA.


Kehilat Sar Shalom, generally referred to as "KSS" or "Sar Shalom," is a Messianic community dedicated to teaching and living out the Jewish foundations of our faith in the Messiah Yeshua. We strive to identify with our Jewish heritage through the celebration of God's Word - the Torah, it's Shabbats & holy days, and instructions.


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