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Sacrifice of Isaac
September 10, 2020

The Sacrifice of Isaac: Part 2

The Sages depict a powerful and graphic scenario in which a willing and submissive Isaac accepts his fate: “This is as one who carries his stake for his own execution on his shoulder.”
Sacrifice of Isaac
September 09, 2020

The Sacrifice of Isaac: Part 1

A burnt-offering represents the unparalleled devotion of the worshiper, symbolically committing his entire essence, the body (what is seen), the mind (what is unseen), to the service of God.
Fullness of Abraham
August 08, 2020

The Fullness of Abraham

On two separate occasions, Abraham is commanded by God to set out on a journey. The ascension to Moriah represents the realization of Abraham's initial departure from Haran.
Akedah No Greater Love
July 07, 2020

The Akedah: No Greater Love

The story of the Binding of Isaac represents the greatest story of mesirut nefesh [self-nullification to the point of death] that points the way to Messiah.
Anatomy of Testing
June 06, 2020

The Anatomy of Testing

The Akeidah has, for nearly 4,000 years, epitomized the understanding of what it means to serve God no matter how difficult the circumstances.
Least of the Commandments
May 05, 2020

Least of the Commandments

Like Yeshua, the Sages of Israel alluded to the commandments of Torah in terms of light and heavy - the least and the greatest. Have you ever considered what constitutes a light mitzvah?
The Sword and the Tongue
April 04, 2020

The Sword and the Tongue

Balaam derived his strength from the power of speech. With it, he came against Israel and exchanged his craft with their craft, for Israel triumphs only with the tongue.
Error of Balaam
March 03, 2020

The Error of Balaam

It is difficult to imagine how one could be gifted with a Divine revelation, and yet harbor so much distain and envy in his heart. By Balaam’s own words, he was the one that perceived God’s vision.
Mystery of the Red Heifer
February 02, 2020

Mystery of the Red Heifer

How is it, that the greatest source of enmity became the remedy to death itself? Although it defies human logic, this phenomena is expressed throughout Parshat Chukat.
Divine Providence
January 01, 2020

Divine Providence

Consider how high God is above the world! Yet if one enters the synagogue and stands behind a pillar and prays in a whisper, the Holy One, blessed be He, listens to that prayer.


We are a Messianic Congregation affiliated with the IAMCS. We are proud members of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America MJAA.


Kehilat Sar Shalom, generally referred to as "KSS" or "Sar Shalom," is a Messianic community dedicated to teaching and living out the Jewish foundations of our faith in the Messiah Yeshua. We strive to identify with our Jewish heritage through the celebration of God's Word - the Torah, it's Shabbats & holy days, and instructions.


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